Frontline Films coming attractions directed by Brian Clement

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The Restauranteur directed by Brian Clement

V-Squad directed by Brian Clement

La Venganza del Diablo Azul directed by Brian Clement

V-Squad part 2 directed by Brian Clement





He was a restaurant owner leading a normal life...

Until the day destiny came calling.


Bronson Kidd plays a mild-mannered restauranteur (or "restaurateur" if you'd prefer to adhere to more accepted spelling) who thinks he's escaped from his previous occupation of being a hired gun for the city's most ruthless crime boss, Mr. Ashmore. When his family is threatened he is forced to take up his old job once again with someone he'd hoped to have forgotten - Mr. Conklin, his one-time partner-turned replacement. But Bronson isn't so easily swayed - his revenge is swift, brutal and uncompromising. And who is the sexy stranger known as Scarlett Sanguinaire - friend or foe?


Starring Bronson Kidd, Josh Miller, Michael Farrell and Debra Easton

Music by The Brothers Hagberg

2 min. 30 sec.



They were 5 beautiful criminals...taken from the streets...

And trained to KILL!

Murders are plaguing the streets of Victoria. The deranged Mr. Ashmore no longer wants control of the west coast's crime rackets - he wants the world! So when detectives Brown and Gordon find themselves in over their heads, federal agent Violent Vincent steps in to take charge. With her sexy assistant Dr. VandeVeer, they take tough-as-nails female criminals and turn them into an unstoppable five-woman fighting force of seduction and destruction, bent on taking down Ashmore and his army of crazed perverts!

They're VICIOUS!




Have you had your dose of vitamin V today?


Starring Mia Internicola-Jaillet, Desiree Zantolas, Dakota Cornell, Estelle Norris, Danielle Chambers, Sarah Cody, Karin Kehoe, Christopher Vickers, Robin Thompson, Ken Gordon and Denise Brown

Music by Jasper Van der Veen

3 min. 30 sec.



When the armies of evil threaten the innocent people of the world...

Earth's greatest hero must be reborn!


Resurrected from beyond the wall of death, the triumphant EL DIABLO AZUL returns to fight crime, romance women, and smash the megalomaniacal thugs who want world domination! Fighting vampires, robotic soldiers, slavering criminal goons, tentacled fiends from beyond space and time, EL DIABLO AZUL fights for the oppressed people of the planet!


In Spanish with English subtitles.



Starring Edson Lopez, Solange Gomez, Tanya Miranda, Pedro Miranda, Robin Thompson and Karin Kehoe

Music by Jasper Van der Veen

2 min. 30 sec.



When vile monsters from another dimension stalk the streets of Victoria there's only one team tough enough, mean enough, and gorgeous enough for the job...V-SQUAD!

What looks like another routine assignment quickly turns out to be something far worse when members of their own team fall prey to the horrific monstrosities who've come to earth to feed on human beings! And worse yet, everyone who falls prey to them becomes a grotesque mutant creature themself!

It'll take every trick they know to win this one...but who will be left?

For valour...

For victory...



Starring Mia Internicola-Jaillet, Desiree Zantolas, Dakota Cornell, Estelle Norris, Danielle Chambers, Sarah Cody, Karin Kehoe, Christopher Vickers, Ken Gordon and Denise Brown

Music by Jasper Van der Veen

3 min.

Upcoming screenings

None currently scheduled

Past screenings

February 24, 2008 - Frontline Films Matinee Showcase @ The Roxy Theatre, Victoria BC

March 19, 2008 - Dark Paradox DVD Release Party @ Lucky Bar, Victoria BC

October 17, 2008 - SharpCuts Film Festival - Guelph, Ontario

February 25, 2009, 7PM, Piccadilly Cinema @ the Adelaide Film Fest, Fake Film Fest segment, Adelaide, Australia

April 2009 - Faux Film Festival, Portland, Oregon

Written and Directed by Brian Clement

Total running time: 13 minutes


Watch for Frontline Films Coming Attractions coming to a film festival near you!

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