Brian Clement filmography



El Corazon de la Memoria directed by Brian Clement


"El Corazon de la Memoria" (2000)
("Heart of the Memory")

60 minutes, not released. Read a review here.


Meat Market directed by Brian Clement


"Meat Market " (2000)
(IMDB listing)


Meat Market 2 directed by Brian Clement


"Meat Market 2 " (2001)
(IMDB listing)


Binge & Purge directed by Brian Clement


"Binge & Purge " (2002)
(IMDB listing)


Exhumed directed by Brian Clement


 "Exhumed"... (2003)
(IMDB listing)

The Dead Inside directed by Brian Clement 


"The Dead Inside"(2005)
(IMDB listing)

Meat Market 3 poster, directed by Brian Clement


"Meat Market 3" (2006)
(IMDB listing)

Dark Paradox poster, directed by Brian Clement


"Dark Paradox" (2007)
(IMDB listing)

V-Squad 2 poster directed by Brian Clement


"Frontline Films Coming Attractions" (2008)
IMDB listing

Hard Time poster directed by Brian Clement


"Hard Time" (2008)
IMDB listing

The Cycles poster directed by Brian Clement


The Cycles (2008)

A bicycle-themed sci-fi short.


MK Ultra poster directed by Brian ClementChop Chop You're Dead starring Mary Kate Haché poster


"MK Ultra" (2008)
"Chop Chop...You're Dead" (2008)

For more info, go to the shorts page.

The Seventh Shadow directed by Brian Clement


"The Seventh Shadow" (2009)
(IMDB listing)

For more info, go to the shorts page.


"The Whimsical Notions of a Strange Deer Girl" (2009)
(IMDB listing)

For more info, go to the shorts page.

At The Reefers Of Madness directed by Brian Clement


"At The Reefers Of Madness" (2009)
(IMDB listing)

For more info, go to the shorts page.


Brian Clement movie images

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